• How do I register and create a personal account?

    Free Subscription (2 weeks):

    1. Click on the Register Tab.
    2. Enter your personal email id and create a new password.
    3. An email is sent to your email address with a link to complete your verification.
    4. Click on the link in your email to complete the registration and account set up.

    Paid Subscriptions:

    1. Login to your account
    2. Click on the link 'Buy Subscription'
    3. Select the plan and make payment

  • You can register/create user accounts by using a personal email or corporate email id. Please follow one of the following methods to register and create account(s):

    Using Corporate Email Id:

    1. Click on the Register Tab.
    2. Enter your corporate email id, for example: abc@xyz.com, and create a new password.
    3. An email is sent to your corporate email address with a link to complete your verification.
    4. Click on the link in your email to complete the registration and account set up.

    Using Personal Email Id:

    1. Click on the Register Tab.
    2. Enter your personal email id, for example: abc@google.com, and create a new password.
    3. Enter the registration code for your company. (This registration code is specific to your company account and sent along with the 'Welcome Letter' to your company)
    4. An email is sent to your personal email address with with a link to complete your verification.
    5. Click on the link in your email to complete the registration and account set up.

  • You can use any standard browser. However, Google Chrome or Firefox are the recommended browsers.

  • 1. Click on the Contact Us Tab
    2. Please send an email and contact phone number and details of the questions.

  • Yes, we can customize the product or set up the interview with a specific set of questions. For details, please contact us.